In our orchard in Krčedin, picking of apple Gala is finished. We picked more than 1.500t of this apple.

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In our orchard in Krčedin, picking of apple Gala is finished. We picked more than 1.500t of this apple.
The group of more than 50 fruit producers, mostly apples, from Italian provinces Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Emilia Romagna visited our orchard in Krcedin. With these producers we exchanged experiences about apple production. They were excited about the quality and quantities of apples in our orchard, specially about club variety Crimson Snow.
Verda Vivo was one of the exhibitors from Serbia which participated at the London Produce Show and Conference from 6-8th of June 2018. The UK is recognized as one of the most promising markets for Serbian fruit exporters. The London Produce Show is a leading business oriented fair for fresh fruit and vegetables in the […]
Company Verda Vivo will be exhibitor at London Produce Show & Conference with the group of Serbian apple producers & exporters. This B2B event will take place in June 6th to 8th, 2018 in London. Visit us and hear what we can offer.
Fruitnet Forum South East Europe was held in Belgrade at November 21 – 22, 2017. First day was dedicated to numerous lecturing about fruit industry, future trends in trade and marketing of fruits, globalization of fruit sale and lot more. Second day was official delegate tours and we were onored to host delegates in our […]
We were pleasured to host one group of children from Kindergarten from Belgrade in our orchard in Krcedin. Very young people in very young orchard resulting happiness, sweetness joy…and we are sure that some of this kids in the future will be part of this kind of the story… Together with them we checked the […]
Professor Dejan Djurovic from Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, for the second time in two years, has brought students of the final year of fruit science and viticulture growing to Orchard in Krcedin, in order to get informed with the latest technique of apple production. In addition to various questions about the density of planting, […]
After 6 months of building and equipmenting , we are proud to announce that as from today our total apple production which is currently about 4 200 t, will be stored in modern chambers with ultra low oxigen and DCA regime. First quantities of apple variety which will be kept in new cooler storage is […]
Serbian companies Agrounija, the part of MK Group and Verda Vivo started a 300ha+ project in 2014 in one of the best growing areas in Serbia. “Commodities are one focus,” explains Gojko Zagorac, director of development. “But branded apples show their value in difficult seasons like the present. Our group decided to trust in the […]
Verda Vivo became official partner for production and sale of apple variety mc38 with Crimson Snow® as a brand name. With this agreement Verda/Agrounija got opportunity to plant up to 100ha of this variety in Serbia. Also, they got the rights to sell this apple exclusively in Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and nonexclusively […]